Our Environmental Commitment

At Novem we dedicate ourselves to providing tailored solutions that work for the now, and for the future – a desire that is also at the heart of our environmental commitment.
By starting on our journey to minimise our footprint wherever possible our team is committed to giving the same effort and attention to protecting our planet as we strive to give to each of our clients.

A Team Effort for the Planet

Everything we do at Novem is based around the strength of our team and working together to provide a reliable and effective service. Alongside Teamwork, we are committed to applying our other core values of ‘Trust’, ‘Reliability’, ‘Knowledge’ and ‘Being Human’ to our efforts to go green.

As with the solutions we provide to our clients, our environmental commitment has been purpose built to tackle the impacts of our day-to-day operations and to engage our team around goals and initiatives that matter to us. We understand that minimising our impact will not happen overnight, but it is a journey we are committed to and one in which we will continue to look for ways we can improve.

We have set out our first series of environmental objectives in our Environmental Policy and this document can be viewed online by clicking here or by clicking the image opposite.



Why Now?

Our planet needs our help now more than ever and it is up to us to answer that call. Minimising our footprint matters to our team and our clients and we are committed to do our bit to preserve the world for ourselves and our future generations.

Find Out More…

If you would find out more about our efforts to minimise our impact, please email us at green@novem-it.co.uk or call 0800 046 9957 for more information. Or fill in our Contact Form and we will be pleased to contact you.

Your Next Steps

Get in touch

How We Are Reducing Our Impact


What We Did

As a supplier of IT hardware, we can sometimes be left with disused equipment that must be disposed of securely and in an as environmentally friendly way as possible. To do this we and ensure we can monitor and measure the waste we produce, we follow this process:

  • All non-functioning IT equipment that cannot be repurposed internally is collected and stored on-site.
  • This is then collected in bulk by Innovent Recycling – an ISO27001 accredited supplier with its own ‘0% to Landfill’ policy as well overall Environmental Policy.
  • The waste is then reused, repaired or used for parts by Innovent wherever possible and recycled where this cannot be achieved.
  • All waste is documented from collection to reuse/recycling enabling us to monitor and measure our impact.


How We Are Evolving

An aspect that we have control over and have identified has a significant impact is the disposal of waste produced in our office and in the packaging of installed hardware.

To effect change on this issue and ensure we are reusing and recycling waste where it cannot be repurposed, we are implementing the following process:

  • Liaising with property managers to ensure recycling provisions are made, correctly labelled and processed separately to general waste.
  • Communicating the new provisions to all staff and ensuring bins are labelled and used correctly.
  • Encouraging staff to minimise the amount of waste produced in the office through, for example: paper, single use coffee cups and food and beverage packaging.

Sample Sustainable IT from Novem

We have partnered with Circular Computing to supply the world’s first carbon-neutral, remanufactured laptops and are offering a free sample device, so that you can trial the incredible performance of these laptops for yourself. If you are interested in improving the sustainability and carbon neutrality of your business, get in touch with us today.


Contact us

Manchester Office

Novem Ltd, Blenheim Court, Carrs Road, Cheadle SK8 2JY

0800 046 9957

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